A non-profit organization sharing community wellness resources
The Power of Breath and Core
Gaynell and Jill discuss what exactly is the muscle recovery system, otherwise referred to as our “core” muscle group. We learn the uniqueness of this group of muscles in its attributes and functional mechanisms that fundamentally influence all other functions in the body. Our “core” muscle group:
Gaynell gives a visual description of this unique and often neglected muscle group and gives some step-by-step instructions to learn to breathe optimally and engage your “core” optimally. It is in understanding how our body works that empowers us to become the “sole owners” of our being and take accountability for our life choices that affect our ability to thrive.
Gaynell is a Concierge Physical Therapist specializing in muscle recovery health, sports enhancement and injury prevention, and abdominal and pelvic health.
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What is SpelLIFE?
SpelLIFE is dedicated to sharing knowledge from around the world, as well as local services available in Southwest Florida, that help women live physically, emotionally, and financially richer lives. Events and podcasts encompass speakers and community resources that inspire, educate, and center around the Eight Dimensions of Wellness - which SpelLIFE: Spiritual, Physical, Environmental, Leisure, Local, Intellectual, Financial, and Emotional.
SpelLIFE was founded in 2014 by
whose mission is to encourage individuals to a pro-active and preventive health and wealth approach to life.